Yesterday’s appointment

July 21, 2010 at 5:29 pm (Deuce)

I had my u/s (ultrasound) for dating yesterday. Because my dr’s office sees a fair number of high-risk patients, it’s their policy to do a quick u/s (done by the nurse) at every appt for the heartbeat. Anyway, last week, the nurse seemed to really be looking for something then commented that she “thought” there was only one baby.

Fast forward to yesterday, the ultrasound tech (who works in the office two days a week) tells me that the nurse had made a comment in my file to look for twins. The tech said she only saw one, but because the baby only measured 7w3d (I knew I O’d late, but the nurse didn’t listen to me) rather than the 8w3d I “should” have been, there could still be a surprise later. She said it can be hard to tell really early on, because one can hide behind the other.

They scheduled the NT screening for 5 weeks from now. I wanted to cancel it, because I’m really not that interested in having the test done, but at the same time, I’m really curious. I always thought having twins would be great, but I’m kind of freaking out now.  Hubs is totally cool with it. His response was “cool, we can use both of the names we like” because he’s convinced it would be two boys.

Whatever will be, will be. I’m 95% sure it’s just one baby, but now that two different people have commented that maybe there is two in there, my mind is running. It didn’t ease my mind talking to a friend with twins who didn’t know she was having twins until her 20w u/s.

In other news, the new EDD is pretty much what I expected it to be, which is March 5th. I didn’t get a BFP until CD32, so I fully expected it to get pushed back 5-7 days. Deuce’s HR was 146.

And Junior cracks me up.  He has come with me to both of my appointments.  At the first, he was just getting over a cold and had had a fever a few days before, so he kept asking if I was sick.  He relates being sick to having a fever, so he wanted to know if I had a fever.  Yesterday, my friend kept him busy in the waiting room while I had my u/s.  When I came out and showed him the picture he said “that Mommy’s fever?”  He’s so freaking cute.

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